Some publicly available code for (some of) my projects. Though, for anything related to optimal transport (with entropic regularization), I recommend the Optimal Transport Toolbox (OTT).

  1. Code for “Algorithms for mean-field variational inference via polyhedral optimization in the Wasserstein space” (Jiang, Chewi, and Pooladian, 2023) [Python]
  2. Code for “Entropic estimation of optimal transport maps” (Pooladian and Niles-Weed, 2021) can be obtained by merging the tools found in both this repo and this repo
  3. Code for “Debiaser Beware: Pitfalls in Centering Regularized Transport Maps” (Pooladian, Cuturi, and Niles-Weed, ICML 2022) [Python]
  4. Implementation of 1-Nearest Neighbor estimator for optimal transport maps as seen in Plugin Estimation of Smooth Transport Maps (Manole et al., 2021) [Python]